King Edward VI Grammar School, Stourbridge
I attended KEGS, as it was then known, from September 1962 through until July 1969 when I completed my 'A' Levels. I had a pretty enjoyable time there though was massively relieved when compulsory attendance on Saturday mornings was done away with two years before I started and that Latin was no longer compulsory after year one. Compulsory Saturday attendance done away with, I still turned up almost every Saturday to play, according to season, rugby or cricket.
If there was one downside of the School, there were three:
- it was a boys only school. The girls attended Stourbridge High School at the opposite end of the town and were any of us caught venturing too close then a detention was very likely.
- it was a rugby only school in Winter. Football was never allowed.
- it backed onto an abertoire and tanners yard; truly awful smells abounded.
The School was famous for Dr Samuel Johnson having been a scholar there (a little before my time) in 1726. Rumour was that his name was still cut into one of the ancient desks that were still in use. No biros for us but pens with metal nibs and with every desk a small bottle of blue ink. Parts of the School still harked back to the 1860's rather than 1960's.
Beneath are some photos from my time at Kegs. I've included some of my now well known mates from school.